The New America Schools Network (NAS) is a system of public charter high schools dedicated to serving a unique population – recent immigrants, their families and children who want to learn or perfect English and earn a high school diploma. The mission of The New America Schools is to empower new immigrants, English language learners, and academically underserved students with the educational tools and support they need to maximize their potential, succeed and live the American dream. Our schools are fully accredited, publicly funded institutions that serve young adults, ages 14-21 (in New Mexico: 14 and above). New America schools are located in diverse communities where the need is greatest. We have three campuses in the metro Denver area as well as campuses in Albuquerque, New Mexico and Las Cruces, New Mexico.
The New America School – Thornton Campus enrolls more than 400 students each year in a location convenient for students in Adams and Denver counties, as well as other communities in metropolitan Denver. The Thornton Campus is open 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m., Monday – Thursday.
NAS used a $ 6,150,000 CECFA bond to purchase the land and buildings it had previously rented.